Hello, I’m Howard

A practising Advanced Hypnotherapist, bespoke Hypnotherapy training course trainer & Virtual Reality Simulation Therapist. Offering face to face or on-line therapy in the comfort of your home throughout the world .

Clinics and Training Facilities in Harley Street (London) , Camberley (Surrey) & soon- to-be in Algorfa, Spain.  A Well Being and Health Consultancy providing services to the General Public, Corporate, Medical and Complementary Holistic Professions .

  • Advanced Senior Hypnotherapist – Oxford School of Hypnosis.
    (DHP.Acc.HYP), (YHT.Dip) & (SICH.D. Hyp) (DISTINCTION)
  • Virtual Reality Simulation Therapist.
    (One of only a few therapists in the UK offering this therapy)
  • Accredited bespoke Hypnotherapy training course trainer
  • Accredited Hypnotherapy Supervisor & senior practitioner
  • Member of The International Society of Paediatric Hypnotherapists from around the world.
  • NLP Practitioner (SICH CNLP) & (YHT.Cert. NLPS)

As a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist, I can help people to overcome their life’s debilitating obstacles.

How do I do it ? I teach people to reframe their negative thoughts, behaviours, and emotions which makes a real difference to people’s life’s and future happiness, rather than dwelling on the challenges they are facing.

The practice is insured to offer “Worldwide” Hypnotherapy & Virtual Reality Simulation therapy including America & Canada. Where as with most practising Hypnotherapists their ‘worldwide’ insurance policies exclude USA and Canada as standard.


How I can help you More about me

What I do


As a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist I can help you to overcome a wide range of challenges and make a real difference to your happiness.

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Virtual Reality Therapy

By using virtual reality simulation technology we place you in a hyper realistic environment and measure your progress as you go at your own pace.

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Accredited Training Courses

Our hypnotherapy training course has been fully assessed and officially accredited for our commitment to provide a first class workshop theory and practice based course.

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How I can help you

By using the benefits of hypnotherapy, we can discover how the problem started, and this will help establish a way to remove the primary cause allowing us to change the automatic jump to fear that most anxious people have. We use a non-medical intervention, which is simply a talking therapy which helps you to challenge the aspect of your mind that is in charge of your unpleasant messages circulating your brain.

Wherever & Whatever you’re suffering from, let me help


Low Mood










… and much more

What our clients say about us

We’re proud to have helped people like you overcome their challenges. We probably have the most 5 Star google reviews in Surrey & Lincoln!

Fully accredited & certified

(Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists & Hypnotherapists)

Accredited Hypnotherapy Training Course Trainer

Member of The International Society of Paediatric Hypnotherapists T.I.S.P.H


Frequently asked questions about hypnotherapy

Contrary to popular belief, hypnotherapy is not an unusual state of consciousness (trance) associated with loss of willpower and self-control. Hypnotherapy is a 100% safe and effective method of therapy where you remain in complete control of your mind and body and is a powerful way to create changes in what you believe and feel. Here are some answers to some commonly asked questions. If you have any questions or your own or want to know more about hypnotherapy and the services we offer, please get in touch with us today.

Hypnosis conducted by a trained therapist or health care professional is considered a safe, complementary and alternative medical treatment.

Hypnosis is considered safe as long as a trained professional does it and used in NHS hospitals.

Hypnosis is considered safe and in fact, if there is an emergency at any point, a person would naturally be able to come out of the hypnotic state by simply opening their eyes and stretching or speaking.

In therapy a hypnotherapist will you give suggestions and if you disagree with them, the suggestions will not work. It’s a deep state of relaxation during where suggestions are made to the client to create beneficial changes in ideas or behaviours.          

Hypnotherapy involves skilful communication which is aimed at guiding a person’s thoughts and imagination in a way that helps reframe psychological and physiological changes in client’s perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and behaviours

The number of sessions required usually varies from person to person, however most people feel some benefit from hypnotherapy immediately.

When you enter into a state of hypnosis you have a heightened focus and concentration and the ability to concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction with a heightened state of suggestibility

It is also used for Creativity

Hypnosis is the ideal state for enhancing creativity and imaginative pursuits.  Many artists, writers, musicians and inventors have produced their best work during trance states when ideas flow more easily and abundantly.

It is also used for Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is taught in groups or individually.  During therapy a post-hypnotic suggestion may be given to achieve the desired state, giving you the confidence, you need to free yourself from self-limiting beliefs.

It is also used for Self-Healing

In group experiments, tests have shown that patients treated with hypnotherapy have enhanced anatomical and fracture healing.  

Before anaesthetic was discovered some 75% of patients operated upon would die during or shortly after the operation, compared to 5% of those treated with hypnosis.

Hypnosis should not be used for people with serious mental disorders, such as people with:

Q.  Can anyone be hypnotised?
A.   Yes indeed. Anyone can achieve this state if they desire.  

Q.   Can I be made to say or do anything against my will whilst I am in hypnosis?
A.   No.  Clinical hypnosis is not the same as stage hypnosis, you are free to accept or reject any suggestions made.

Q.   Will I be aware of what is happening or being said whilst I am in the hypnosis state?
A.   Yes.  You will feel deeply relaxed but will never lose contact with the Hypnotherapist’s voice.

Q.   What happens if I don’t come out of trance or something happens to the Hypnotherapist before I am brought out?
A.   You would simply come out of the trance naturally as the rapport would be lost with the Hypnotherapist.  No-one has every remained in trance indefinitely.

Q.   Will I be able to drive afterwards?
A.   Yes.  You will still be feeling relaxed; however, your actions and reactions will be functioning super efficiently.

Q.   When I am in hypnosis am I unconscious?
A.   No, you are in a state half-way between sleep and wake.

Q.   Is there anyone hypnotherapy can’t help
A.   Certain people are not suitable for hypnotherapy. Children under five, whose language isn’t advanced enough to understand the necessary instructions. People with serious mental health problem that results in a chemical imbalance in their brain, such as schizophrenia or clinical depression

Q. Are you always in control of the thoughts or suggestions that are going to influence you and do you also have the ability to accept or reject them at any time you wish.
A. Yes you are in control at all times and whilst in hypnosis you can have a conversation, and reject or accept the therapist’s suggestions.

What Is Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to create changes in what you believe and feel and can automatically modify the way you feel, as the therapist guides the person into a relaxed trance state for an agreed purpose and time 

Every event and experience that happened to you during your life has had an effect on you and can set up negative beliefs, and we can hold these beliefs at the subconscious level.

When we change the negative beliefs that you have developed and ingrained as part of life, it can have a dramatic effect on the way you feel and ultimately behave 

So how does hypnotherapy really work?

By using the benefits of hypnotherapy, we can discover how the problem started, and this will help establish a way to remove the primary cause allowing us to change the automatic jump to fear that most anxious people have. 

We use a non-medical intervention, which is simply aTalking Therapy” which helps you to challenge the aspect of your thinking, that is in charge of your unpleasant messages circulating in your brain

What makes hypnotherapy different?

Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy and together we can create new behaviours and make them automatic in weeks, not months or years. 

However, just because change is quick does not make it short-term. Once the transformation happens at a subconscious level, it tends to last.

Hypnotherapy is different because it works on the mind at a subconscious level. It bypasses the conscious mind and suggests new thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Your subconscious mind can adopt and use these new ideas in the future.

If we can prove to your subconscious mind that these new ideas are for your benefit, the subconscious will often accept and implement the new routines.

Helping change people’s negative behaviours.

We can successfully help change people’s negative perceptions in life, so they are able to create new thought processes and reactions by changing negative behaviours and habits which have or currently holding them back in life.

A client can walk into my clinic with fears, behavioural problems, weight issues, addictions and even physical problems, and walk out a few weeks later behaving in new, more appropriate ways. 

What’s more, they don’t even have to think about the old problems anymore.

As a practice we cannot offer any guaranteed success with regards to the outcome from therapy . 

So now you know Hypnotherapy can educate people to overcome their life’s debilitating obstacles

Hypnosis involves focused attention and the client always remains physically and mentally in control. 

The client goes into deep relaxation like going into a daydream, reading a book or being captivated in a film. 

Once the hypnotherapy session is over, people are perfectly safe and competent to legally drive your vehicle. 

Therefore, the answer is “YES” as one can drive a motor vehicle immediately after hypnosis.

It is impossible to predict the total amount of therapy sessions needed until we have seen a completed Clients Information Form and evaluate the feedback, we receive during the 1st session.

This will very much depend on the degree of the issue that the client wants to address and the degree of their desired outcome.

As results vary with each individual, an estimation of therapy sessions will be given to the client at the end of the first therapy session, however most people feel some benefit from hypnotherapy immediately.

Our therapy sessions are generally longer than most at around 2 hours in duration, as our aim is to accelerate results and reduce the amount of sessions needed . Session time can be reduced if needed.

Hypnosis is very effective and also used by the NHS.

Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation during in which positive suggestions are made to create beneficial changes in deep rooted negative thoughts, actions and behaviours. 

Hypnotherapy can be successfully applied to all manner of issues, as in hypnosis the mind is very receptive to new ideas and open to suggestions which encourage more sensible, balanced or helpful attitudes to reality.

Hypnotherapy is a non-medical intervention, which is simply aTalking Therapy” which helps you to challenge the aspect of your thinking, that is in charge of your unpleasant messages circulating in your brain. 

In the clinical office setting, symptoms associated with stress or anxiety can be greatly helped, however in some cases, it may not be a substitute for medical treatment.

As the mind and body greatly affect each other, in hypnotherapy the person as a whole enormously benefits by this holistic approach. 

Most people feel some benefit from hypnotherapy immediately.

Hypnotherapy can work successfully alongside a client’s healthcare G/P practitioner even if they are taking medication and many clients who approach us have already visited health care practitioners and turn to hypnotherapy to enhance their progress.

Throughout the process we can inform them on the progress of their client’s therapy. 

Hypnotherapy is a helpful tool.

We can play an essential role in a client’s mental well-being, by working as a supplement alongside the individual’s healthcare professional /s. We can also provide clients with relaxation and coping regimes with reference to past, present or
any potential future issues.

We can encourage a transformation in a person’s negative thinking behaviour and mental outlook.

We can teach clients the benefits of self-hypnosis that will employ mental rehearsals for stress, emotional reduction and future goal settings.

We can help reframe any past, present or future worries which may be a key contributor to a person’s emotional issues.

Take the first step

Get in touch with us today for a no obligation consultation. Positive results start right here.

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Interested in studying hypnotherapy as a profession?

Our hypnotherapy training course has been fully assessed and officially accredited for our commitment to provide a first class workshop theory and practice based course.

Book a training course

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