CPD training
The principles of good working practice for the Hypnotherapist with regards to using (CPD) Using Continuing Professional Development.
The importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in your practice
As it stands today there are no UK laws to compel a practising hypnotherapist to join any professional organisations or bodies as there is no official regulation in place, nor is there any laws that indicate the level of training a therapist must perform each year.
Continuing Professional Development delivers real benefits and knowledge for the long-term development of the therapist. It provides new knowledge that will enable them to help deal with current, new or complex situations which have not been covered in great depth on their initial training.
As a practicing therapist, you have many avenues of learning activities to hand. Such as on the job experience, internet learning, face to face, courses and workshops.
One of the most valuable tools is the internet, where in seconds we can gain information on a subject matter in which we need to learn and benefit from. Then if required, can be carried out almost instantly.
The internet equips us with tools to cope positively with the ever-changing circumstances of the client.
Continuous CPD helps a therapist achieve their career goals by focusing on learning and development, thus enabling continuous therapist and practice growth. This also benefits the client regarding their wellbeing and successful therapy.
It’s important to ensure the continuation of CPD throughout one’s career, as it keeps one’s skills and knowledge up to date. Ensuring as a therapist, one continues to work safely, legally and effectively.
If you are comfortable dealing with clients in a specific area of therapy but feel that you would benefit from more knowledge in that field, then CPD is the correct tool to enhance your skills. It helps increase therapist confidence, credibility and equips them with tools to cope positively with any change they encounter in practice.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) delivers real benefits
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) delivers real benefits and installs knowledge for the long-term development of the therapist. It provides new knowledge that will enable them to help deal with current, new or complex situations which have not yet been covered in great depth on their initial training.
Sometimes therapists may have forgotten certain training techniques in which they need to brush up on to develop their career ensuring that they retain their ability to practise safely, legally and ethically within the boundaries of the profession.
It is also essential that a therapist keeps training records of CPD training as this may be asked to be proven by your professional body, such as the CNHC, IHA, ACCPH & GHR .
As a practice we are fortunate that we have had many avenues of learning activities to hand, such as:
- On the job experience
- Face to face training
- Attending workshops
- The study and completion of industry-based exams
- Studying to enhance our theory skills with:
• The Internet
• Watching Podcasts
• Watching YouTube
• Reading industry books and magazines
• The study of research papers
Continuous CPD helps the therapist achieve career goals
Continuous CPD helps the therapist achieve career goals by focusing on learning and development, thus enabling the therapist and practice to mature, and this also benefits your clients regarding their wellbeing and successful implementation of therapy.
It’s important to ensure the continuation of (CPD) throughout one’s career, as it keeps one’s skills and knowledge up to date, and it ensures that the therapist continues to work safely, legally and effectively.
If a therapist is comfortable in dealing with clients in a specific area of therapy but they feel that they would benefit from more knowledge then CPD is the correct tool to enhance their skills. It helps increase confidence, credibility and equips therapists with tools to cope positively with any change they may encounter in practice.
Shortly after training many newly qualified hypnotherapists seem to go onto learning the skills of NLP, however it completely differs from hypnotherapy and can confuse the practitioner in what skills to use on the client. Our advice would be to learn and practise the skills of hypnotherapy before moving onto any other coaching and counselling method.
Abstracts from the GHR web site for their Supervision policy
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Policy for new and existing Hypnotherapists.
We define CPD as a range of learning activities through which professionals grow and develop throughout their careers to ensure that they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practice.
It is the method by which practising hypnotherapists may keep abreast of new developments and techniques within the field. Effective CPD should ensure that you stay up-to-date and safe to practise.
The GHR bases its requirements on the premise that registered practitioners are professionals capable of making their own decisions about what best serves this purpose in relation to their own practice.
As a result, we do not ‘approve’ or ‘validate’ specific activities but allow you to choose for yourself that which best meets your needs.
CPD can therefore include a range of activities which contribute to your learning and which help you to learn and develop as a practitioner. You are able to choose how and when you complete your CPD. You are also able to select the types of activities you think will be of most benefit to you. A wide range of activities are recognised which you can count towards your CPD. These could include, for example:
Personal attendance at seminars & workshops (which may include workshops at conferences); Advanced training courses; Reading or writing articles; Internet research; Participation in research; Receiving supervision or mentoring which enhances learning and development; First aid and health & safety instruction; Marketing training and business development etc.
When deciding what to include in your CPD you need to consider how the activity will enhance your work as a practitioner and how you can demonstrate that.
Some questions which may help you to decide which type of activities would be of most benefit to you might be:
- What do I need to learn to improve the treatment or service I provide to my clients?
- How can I keep up with current trends, new techniques and good practice?
- Where and how could I do things better?
- What do I need to know more about, should things go wrong?
- What can I learn from observing other practitioners?
- If I want to specialise in a particular area of practice, what types of activities would be most useful?
Whichever activities you decide to participate in, however, you will need to structure them to comply with the following:
- You must aim to ensure that your CPD enhances your professional practice and improves the service provided to patients and clients.
- You must complete a minimum of 25 hours CPD each year.
- At least 15 hours CPD must be directly related to hypnotherapy.
- You must complete a range of CPD activities, with no more than 8 of the total CPD hours spent on any single activity in one year.
- You must keep an up-to-date log of your CPD activities with evidence to demonstrate your participation in each activity. (N.B. Registrants may be asked to provide suitable evidence of the previous 12 months CPD involvement at the time of their annual re-registration .
Source https://www.general-hypnotherapy-register.com/supervision-cpd-policy/
To conclude
To conclude CPD is an essential tool as it ensures one’s capabilities keep pace with the current standards of other therapists operating in the same field, ensuring that our professional standard of qualifications and professional body registrations are unremittingly maintained>
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