Problem Behaviours

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Make behavioural change quickly and effectively

I have a plan to help you with your problem behaviour…

Discover what triggers behaviour
Install new behaviours
Make new behaviour automatic

If you have a problem behaviour that’s driving you or the people around you nuts, then you should know that it is changeable. Even if you’ve spent decades doing the same thing over and over again, I can help you to not only change the way you respond, but also make the new behaviour automatic so you don’t even notice you’re doing it.

In life, we have many problem behaviours that we pick up along the way. Things like smoking, drinking and substance abuse, we tend to think of these issues as addictive behaviours. However, there are also habitual problems like nail biting, gambling, negative self-talk, insomnia, being critical. For some of us, these problems can get out of hand and can create a significant negative impact on our lives and those around us.

Some of the more common problem behaviours


Although smoking is a problem behaviour, a completely different approach is needed. This is because there are a lot more influences and triggers to the smoking behaviour. Therefore, my approach is different. With smoking, I will do all the work in one long session, typically taking 90 to 120 minutes. The reason for this is that with smoking you either do or don’t smoke, and the sole aim is to move your focus away from smoking for good, so doing further sessions where we talk about your smoking behaviour is not appropriate.


Most people can enjoy the odd flutter here or there, in the hope of winning money or prizes. However, when it becomes a compulsive behaviour and they find they cannot stop, the impact on their lives can become enormous. They may lose all their possessions, fall into debt, or drive away family and friends because of their need to obtain more and more money to feed their behaviour. At this point, it is fair to say that the person has become addicted to gambling. A hypnotic intervention can be used at any point along the journey to addiction, obviously the sooner the better.


Behaviours surrounding insomnia are almost always supported by underlying low-level anxieties. These worries have to be cleared in the first place before new sleeping patterns can be established. Most people with insomnia don’t even realise that the anxieties and worries they have are having an effect on their sleeping patterns. However, once they are removed it is fairly straightforward to establish new, more appropriate sleeping behaviours.


When people come to see me for drinking problems, the outcomes they are looking for are very different. For example, they may want to stop completely, cut down, stop drinking during the week, or even just stop drinking spirits. That being said, they all have decision points that the clients have to pass through, and these decision points are where I will insert powerful interventions where the client can make new automatic responses, allowing their behaviours to change without too much effort.

And a lot more besides…

  • Over eating, poor relationship with food and weight gain
  • Biting nails
  • Teeth grinding
  • Recreational drug use
  • Sexual performance

Here are just a few of the behavioural problems that I deal with.

It doesn’t really matter what behaviour it is that needs to be changed because the behavioural process that we use is pretty much the same for all of them. Hypnotherapy is very effective at helping people to make long-lasting behavioural change. In the main, most problem behaviours can be altered in just a few sessions.

When using hypnotherapy for behavioural change, it is usually achieved moderately quickly and can usually lead to a permanent resolution. The result is not determined by the length of time the behaviour has been happening for.

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