Your thoughts drive your behaviours
I have a plan for you…
Stop thinking about food
Create new eating behaviours
Permanent change in desire
Weight loss isn’t only about what you eat! It’s about how you think, feel, and behave towards food. If you are thinking about food all the time, specifically about what you can’t have, you are going to want it all the more, aka “cravings”. If you think, view, and relate to food the way slim people do, EVERYTHING changes.
Relevant factors influencing weight loss
Diets are too simplistic because there are so many factors that affect what you eat. All of the factors below have to be dealt with and new behaviours put in place to tackle them.
- Emotions
- Chemical cravings
- Psychological cravings
- Decision points
- Social pressures
- Stress factors
- Work and home routines
- The Saboteurs
Change the rules – do something different
Most people I see have tried every weight loss diet going, and by definition, if they’re seeing me for weight loss, it hasn’t worked for them.
What you eat is important, but the real trick is to think differently if you want long-lasting change. The problem with diets is, although they work, they don’t change the behaviours. The whole diet industry is based on getting you to lose weight without changing behaviours.
Think about it, when you’re on a diet all you do is think about food. What you can have and can’t have. How does that train your mind for the future?
What you need is an “Eating Plan”, NOT a “Diet”
What you need is a way of eating that is easy to do, moves your focus away from food and allows you to eat whatever you want. But most important of all, a way that creates an eating behaviour that sets you up for the future and that happens automatically.
To do that you need to make changes at a subconscious level. You see, I can give you my support but without the behavioural change and commitment to back it up, you will probably fail . I train your brain and body to want to eat the right way, and you have to train your mind to make different decisions and help it to create new, more appropriate behaviours on auto-pilot. I also offer you the option to have a consultation with a nutritionist whilst I help you programme wellbeing and positive behaviours to choose the correct eating pattern suitable for you.
This creates a positive mindset and structure for life that is easy to maintain, without all the rules and guilt that we associate with constantly being overweight.
“I lost over 8 stone doing it “Howard’s way” and I have to say, I have completely changed the way I eat. The magic pill does exist but it’s in my brain, not in a blister pack.”
Take the first step to a better you
Get in touch with us today for a no obligation consultation. Positive results start right here.
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(Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists & Hypnotherapists)
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Member of The International Society of Paediatric Hypnotherapists T.I.S.P.H