Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to create changes in what you believe and feel. Hypnotherapy can automatically modify the way you feel.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to create changes in what you believe and feel. Hypnotherapy can automatically modify the way you feel. We are now privileged to offer Virtual Reality Hypnosis.
Every event and experience that happened to you during your life has had an effect on you and set up beliefs. We hold these beliefs at the subconscious level.
When we change the beliefs that you have developed and ingrained as part of life, it can have a dramatic effect on the way you feel and ultimately behave. Changed behaviour can be automatic when made at a subconscious level.

What about other therapies?
Most people try to change their behaviour by modifying it consciously. Talk therapies (except hypnotherapy) work this way too.
Although talk therapies like CBT, counselling and psychotherapy do affect change, it tends to take months or years.
You see, talk therapies have to work through the conscious mind to affect change at a subconscious level. To be successful, it takes a lot of effort on the part of the client.
What makes hypnotherapy different?
Hypnotherapy is different because it works on the mind at a subconscious level. It bypasses the conscious mind and suggests new thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Your subconscious mind can adopt and use these new ideas in the future.
If we can prove to your subconscious mind that these new ideas are for your benefit, the subconscious will often accept and implement the new routines.
Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy. Together we will create new behaviours and make them automatic in weeks, not months or years.
However, just because change is quick does not make it short-term. Once the transformation happens at a subconscious level, it tends to last.
A client can walk into my clinic with fears, behavioural problems, weight issues, addictions and even physical problems, and walk out a few weeks later behaving in new, more appropriate ways. What’s more, they don’t even have to think about the old problems anymore.
Hypnosis is a powerful tool
Hypnotherapy is certainly a powerful tool, particularly dealing and improving issues such as:
Low Mood
… and much more
What our clients say about us
We’re proud to have helped people like you overcome their challenges
Fully accredited & certified
(Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists & Hypnotherapists)
Accredited Hypnotherapy Training Course Trainer
Member of The International Society of Paediatric Hypnotherapists T.I.S.P.H
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